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Christmas is a much-beloved holiday, celebrated by billions of people across the globe. In the U.S. Alone, the Pew Center reports that nearly 96% of the population celebrates Christmas, including eight out of ten non-Christians, including atheists, agnostics, and those who have no faith commitment.

However, Christmas is also a uniquely Christian holiday; its core message is about a personal God taking humanity upon Himself and stepping into the world to redeem sinful human beings who could never redeem themselves. The Christian message is inescapable and it is JESUS CHRIST.

The false loathing of Christianity is one reason why many especially Jews, Messianc Jews, continue to repeat the claim that Christmas is a repurposing of a pagan Roman holiday. The celebration of Saturnalia, which honored the Roman god Saturn, or the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus, that is the “Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun.” Both of these celebrations were held in the second half of December, making them somewhat close to Christmas. If Christmas was create to supplant Saturnalia, the Christians would have chosen December 17th. Add to that the references  about the December 25th date stretching all the way back to A.D. 200 and you have a very real dating problem with Saturnalia being the origin date for Christmas. Christmas is not a response to a pagan celebration such as Saturnalia but it has Christian roots. 202 to 211 AD mark where Hippolytus ties December 25 to Jesus’s birth


A feast to Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun) did occur on December 25, but the earliest evidence for it dates from the mid to late 4th century. which is mychafter the Christian practice of Christmas


In reality December 25 first became associated with the Nativity, which is how the early church would have referred to the day of Christ’s birth.


Much of the thrust of the “pagan Christmas” theory rests on the idea of a Christianized Rome trying to convert a populace that wouldn’t want to give up its secular feast traditions


But in reality the marking of December 25 goes much earlier, before this period in Christian history.


The ‘ Commentary on Daniel, written just after AD 200, notes that five of the seven manuscripts contain December 25 as the date


Hippolytus in 202-211 AD set the date for the birth of Jesus on December 25, because he thought Jesus was conceived 9 months earlier on the Passover, the day in which he also thought the world was created (5500 years earlier), the Vernal Equinox March 25.


Clement of Alexandria (193-215 AD) quoted various anonymous sources about the birth of Jesus and roughly agrees with Hippolytus, claiming that Jesus was born in late fall to early winter. Clement’s sources clearly seem to believe that Jesus was conceived on the Passover and was born roughly 9 months later;


Augustine wrote ” He was born, according to tradition, upon December the 25th.”


The idea of the church randomly choosing a pagan date is a big stretch. If Christians were recognizing the birth of Christ by the beginning of the third century, does it make sense to think that this was rather a fourth century invention to sway the Roman populous over to Christianity?…/no-christmas-is-n…



Titus 1:10-11
10 For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially THOSE OF THE CIRCUMCISION, 11 whose MOUTHS MUST BE STOPPED, who SUBVERT WHOLE HOUSEHOLDS, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain.


The phrase “those of the circumcision” refers to Judaizers – and that is what the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) is – a bunch of Judaizers. They don’t like to admit that, but that’s really what they are. And much of the New Testament is devoted to warning Christians about Judaizers. In the past there were groups like the Seventh Day Adventists and the Worldwide Church of God which embraced Judaizing doctrine. But the modern-day manifestation of this heresy, the Hebrew Roots Movement, is particularly destructive. They are particularly aggressive and they spread on the Internet like a cancer


h “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her, -how often I wanted to gather your children, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But you people did not want it. Look! Your house is abandoned to you.” – Matthew 23:37,38


“Why do most Jews, Messianic Jews reject Jesus?” The Answer: What do they do with Jesus Christ? These Jews rejected Jesus Christ because He failed, in their eyes, to do what they expected their version of the Messiah to do—destroy evil and all their enemies and establish an eternal kingdom with Israel as the preeminent nation of the world. Dream on..


Christmas marks Christ’s birthday and it honors Him


While many falsely legalists, unloving and non Holy Spirit filled persons, still are also falsely preaching the exact observation of the laws over honouring the spirit of the law.. this is why they do falsely want to insert the old testament falsely into the New Testament to.


And if obeying Religion a Judaic one included can save one from then why was Jesus death required for us to be saved from Hell?


The New Testament also does not prohibit pictures of Jesus nor our observing Christmas, Easter..


See also

My best picture links



One thought on “Christmas

  1. I really do love this. There is a couple of YT who really love the Jesus. They have very few subscribers, which is not uncommon when people really speak the Truth and they do so in love. They did a beautiful video on Christmas this past year and why it’s so important. The most beautiful of the Christmas are so honest, so true, and is nothing but absolute worship of Jesus.

    I just wanted to thank you for your blogs. I just found them today. I was feeling down and I know I was led here.

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